Gubbies FAQ about Climbing Holds

How do types of climbing holds differ?

If you are not quite sure of the difference between the many different types of climbing holds, it can feel very confusing to choose the right ones. Here is a list of examples with a short description:

Jugs are cup-shaped climbing holds that can be held with the whole hand. It provides a good grip and feels safe when moving your hands from one hold to another. Jugs climbing holds are super suitable for beginners and for children.

Slopers are large climbing holds that must be held with the palm of your hand open. There are no pockets or recesses that the fingers can grip. Sloper climbing holds can only be held through the friction between the hold and the palm. Slopers are quite advanced climbing holds and require a lot of experience in climbing.

Pinch climbing holds you have to squeeze to hold. It takes a little technique to grip the hold. Pinches can vary in size from small holds, where you only have to squeeze with your thumb and indexfinger to larger holds that fill the entire palm.

Pocket climbing holds only have room for a finger or two. The small pockets place great demands on finger strength and technique, and they are not recommended for beginners. Some pocket climbing holds have two pockets so they can be helds with two hands.

Crimps are very small climbing holds that are held with an almost closed hand and the fingertips pointing downwards. Crimps are tough !! Crimps are essentially just small edges that you can only just hold with your fingertips.

Edges can be seen as a cross between jugs and crimps. They are, unlike jugs, pretty much completely flat. On the other hand, they can be so large that there is room to get all the fingers of both hands on the holding surface.

If you want to know more about the different climbing grips and how to hold them, you can read more on our blog HERE!!!

Gubbies FAQ about climbing

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