A detailed design and planning application for a climbing wall is a comprehensive document that outlines the specific architectural, structural, and aesthetic details of the climbing wall project. It is typically submitted to local authorities or planning boards to obtain the necessary approvals before construction begins. This document should provide all the necessary information to demonstrate that the project complies with relevant building codes, safety standards, and planning regulations.

Including these elements in a detailed design and planning application will provide the necessary information for authorities to evaluate the project thoroughly and ensure it meets all regulatory, safety, and community standards. This will help streamline the approval process and facilitate the successful construction and operation of the climbing wall. 

Here’s what is generally expected in a detailed design and planning application for a climbing wall: 


Here are the key components that are usually involved in this phase of a climbing wall project:

1. Project Overview and Description

  • Introduction: A brief introduction to the project, including its purpose, location, and the client or organization behind it. 
  • Project Objectives: Explanation of the goals and intended outcomes of the climbing wall, such as community engagement, promoting physical fitness, or creating a new sports facility. Make sure to include any requirements from the funding parties. 
  • Site Context: Description of the site where the climbing wall will be installed, including its surroundings, existing structures, and how the wall fits within the overall context. 

2. Site Plan

  • Location Map: A map showing the location of the site within the broader area, including access routes and nearby landmarks. 
  • Site Layout: A detailed site plan showing the climbing wall's proposed position, orientation, and relationship to existing structures and features. 
  • Access and Circulation: Information on how users will access the climbing wall, including pedestrian paths, entrances, exits, parking, and circulation routes for both climbers and spectators. 
  • Utilities and Services: Location of existing utilities (water, electricity, sewage) and any new services or connections required for the climbing wall. Use for information on underground site installations. 

3. Architectural Drawings and Renderings

  • Floor Plans: Detailed floor plans of the facility, including the climbing area, reception, changing rooms, restrooms, storage, and any other relevant spaces. 
  • Elevations: Drawings showing the vertical surfaces of the climbing wall from various angles, including the height and the positioning of key features. 
  • Sections: Cross-sectional drawings that illustrate the relationship between different parts of the climbing wall and the surrounding building or environment. 
  • 3D Renderings: Visual renderings that provide a realistic view of the climbing wall, showcasing its design, materials, and aesthetic appeal. 

4. Structural Design and Calculations

  • Structural Drawings: Detailed drawings showing the construction of the climbing wall, including the frame, supports, anchoring systems, and connection points. 
  • Load Calculations: Engineering calculations to demonstrate the structural integrity of the climbing wall under various loads, including climber weight, dynamic forces, and environmental factors (e.g., wind, seismic activity). 
  • Material Specifications: List and specifications of all materials to be used in the construction of the wall, including the climbing surface, framing materials, and safety equipment. 
  • Foundation Design: Details of the foundation requirements, particularly if the climbing wall is a freestanding structure. 

5. Safety and Compliance Information

  • Safety Standards: Explanation of how the climbing wall design meets relevant safety standards and regulations, such as EN 12572 (European Standards for Artificial Climbing Structures) or other local safety codes. 
  • Risk Assessment: A thorough risk assessment identifying potential hazards and the measures that will be implemented to mitigate them. 
  • Emergency Exits and Evacuation Plans: Details on emergency exits, evacuation routes, and safety equipment such as fire extinguishers, alarms, and first aid stations. 

6. Environmental and Sustainability Considerations

  • Environmental Impact Assessment: Evaluation of the project’s environmental impact, including noise, traffic, waste, and any measures to minimize negative effects. 
  • Sustainability Features: Description of any sustainable practices or materials being used, such as energy-efficient lighting, water conservation systems, or recycled materials. 

7. Accessibility

  • Accessibility Compliance: Information on how the climbing wall will be accessible to people with disabilities, including ramps, lifts, accessible restrooms, and adaptive climbing equipment. 
  • Inclusive Design Features: Details on any features specifically designed to be inclusive for all users, such as adjustable routes, tactile signage, or sensory-friendly spaces. 

8. Financial and Economic Justification

  • Budget Estimate: A detailed budget that includes all projected costs, such as design, construction, materials, labor, and equipment. 
  • Economic Impact: Analysis of the expected economic benefits of the climbing wall, such as Member growth, increased local tourism, or community development. 

9. Community Engagement and Consultation

  • Stakeholder Consultation: Summary of any consultations or engagements with local communities, stakeholders, and relevant authorities that have taken place or are planned. 
  • Support and Objections: Information on any support received or objections raised during the consultation process, along with responses or modifications made to address concerns. 

10. Legal and Regulatory Compliance

  • Planning Permissions: Evidence of compliance with local zoning laws, building codes, and any other relevant regulations (EN 12572, Bek 502, EN 1176/1177).  
  • Permits and Licenses: List of all permits and licenses required for construction and operation, along with their current status. 

11. Conclusion and Summary

  • Summary of Proposal: A concise summary of the key elements of the design and planning application, emphasizing the benefits of the project and its compliance with all necessary regulations and standards. 
  • Next Steps: Outline of the next steps in the approval process, including timelines for decisions and construction milestones. Be advised that building permit will vary for different municipalities. 

12. Appendices and Supporting Documents

  • Technical Reports: Any additional technical reports, studies, or analyses that support the application, such as geotechnical reports or environmental assessments. 
  • Letters of Support: In case of application for making local planning for climbing walls it can be helpful to include letters from community members, organizations, or stakeholders endorsing the project. 
  • Certificates and Qualifications: Assurance of relevant certifications, qualifications, and licenses held by the design team, engineers, and contractors. 

Sales & Project manager


Nicolai is head of leading projects from early conceptual ideas and sketches to the quality assurance of the final product. He has extensive experience in the design and implementation of approximately 200 projects over the past eight years, providing him with substantial expertise in the construction of climbing facilities.

The climbing sport is currently undergoing significant transformation - from a recreational activity to an Olympic sport. Nicolai is committed to designing facilities that accommodate and support this evolution.

From outline proposal to an operational facility


When you approach Gubbies with your ideas, you get broad-spectrum competence support - we look at your ideas, needs and possibilities as both an architect, climbing expert and project facilitator with many years of experience with all phases from idea to realization.