From initial idea to long lasting & active climbing facility


How to go from a dream of a project to funding


An outline proposal serves as a foundational document that guides the early stages of a building project, ensuring all critical aspects are considered and communicated effectively.

1. Project Overview, 2. Site Analysis, 3. Design Concept, 4. Programmatic Requirements, 5. Sustainability and Environmental Considerations, 6. Cost and Budget Estimates, 7. Project Timeline, 8. Stakeholder Engagement and 9. Risk Assessment

Read more about outline proposal

It takes time and a lot of dedicated work


By following these steps and considering the various funding options, you can develop a comprehensive strategy to secure the necessary resources to open and operate a successful sports climbing facility.

1. Develop a Comprehensive Business Plan, 2. Identify Potential Funding Sources, 3. Create a Funding Strategy, 4. Prepare a Pitch Deck, 5. Engage with Potential Funders, 6. Secure Funding and Start Implementation and 7. Monitor and Adapt

Find out more about funding

How to manage a tender process


By including these elements in a climbing wall tender, you provide potential contractors with all the necessary information to prepare comprehensive and competitive bids, helping to ensure the successful completion of the project.

1. Introduction and Background, 2. Project Specifications, 3. Site Information, 4. Technical Requirements, 5. Quality Standards and Compliance, 6. Contractual Information, 7. Project Timeline, 8. Submission Requirements, 9. Evaluation Criteria, 10. Terms of Engagement and 11. Contact Information

Read more about the tender proces

The art of choosing and making decisions


Including these elements in a detailed design and planning application will provide the necessary information for authorities to evaluate the project thoroughly and ensure it meets all regulatory, safety, and community standards. This will help streamline the approval process and facilitate the successful construction and operation of the climbing wall.

1. Project Overview and Description, 2. Site Plan, 3. Architectural Drawings and Renderings, 4. Structural Design and Calculations, 5. Safety and Compliance Information, 6. Environmental and Sustainability Considerations, 7. Accessibility, 8. Financial and Economic Justification, 9. Community Engagement and Consultation, 10. Legal and Regulatory Compliance, 11. Conclusion and Summary and 12. Appendices and Supporting Documents

Read more about planning permission and design

At the construction site


The construction process itself does not take an overwhelmingly long time, but it is now that the project manifests itself three-dimensionally. We work with some of Europe's most experienced wall builders, with whom we have had a collaboration since 2010. We guarantee close contact and communication and are present on the construction site.

You are almost ready to start using the wall


  • Review of the completed project
  • Certification
  • Annual inspection plan

Begin a long-term use of the facility



  • Equipment
  • Route setting
  • How do you get quality in the use of the facility?
  • How do you ensure diverse use for the enjoyment of the target group for many years?
  • How do you ensure safety?

Sales & Project manager


Nicolai is head of leading projects from early conceptual ideas and sketches to the quality assurance of the final product. He has extensive experience in the design and implementation of approximately 200 projects over the past eight years, providing him with substantial expertise in the construction of climbing facilities.

The climbing sport is currently undergoing significant transformation - from a recreational activity to an Olympic sport. Nicolai is committed to designing facilities that accommodate and support this evolution.

From urban space boulders to extension of an indoor lead wall


Over the past 15 years, we have developed lead walls, boulder projects both outdoors and indoors, rope parks and climbing towers especially in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Our project portfolio is long and below you can dive into a small range of these diverse climbing facilities.


Our vision is to create unique climbing experiences with a focus on movement techniques, architecture and space design, as a whole. That's why we design climbing wall projects that frame active movement spaces for both children and adults of all experience levels with protrusions, crooked angles and several levels of difficulty that challenge both balance and technical climbing skills right from the first grip.

When you approach Gubbies with your ideas, you get broad-spectrum competence support - we look at your ideas, needs and possibilities as both an architect, climbing expert and project facilitator with many years of experience with all phases from idea to realization.

In this way, your dreams come true in exactly the physical framework you have available to the delight of both your specific target group and the climbing environment in the broadest sense. We know that when you succeed with your project and your users are successful with their climbing, it contributes to the growing interest in climbing in Denmark.

We believe that thorough consultancy and a deep understanding of the sport lead to better projects for our clients.