Gubbies FAQ about DIY Climbing Wall

How do I make climbing boards myself?

You can make your own climbing boards. You will need 15mm or 21mm plywood sheets, which can be purchased at various hardware stores. The boards are raw and typically measure 125 x 250 cm (about 3 sqm). Additionally, you will need paint and T-nuts (approx. 30 per square metre).

  • Cut the boards to fit the wall where they are to be mounted.
  • Lay the plate face up and drill holes with a 12 mm drill bit. Calculate 30 holes per square metre. It may be a good idea to create a template so that the pattern of holes becomes uniform.
  • Turn the plate over and hammer in the T-nuts from the back of the plate.
  • Paint the plate in the desired color. Choose an oil-based, water-resistant and durable floor paint. If you want a rough friction surface, you may want to sprinkle a thin layer of sand on the board directly after the first layer of paint. Apply the second layer of paint when the first layer is completely dry.

Gubbies FAQ about climbing

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