Gubbies FAQ about Climbing Walls
How do we comply with the Building Regulations when constructing a new climbing wall?
The standard DS/EN 12572 is mentioned in the Building Regulations and applies to everyone who needs to design or construct artificial climbing walls and artificial bouldering walls/sculptures. The standard is divided into 3 parts.
- Part 1 is the standard for artificial climbing walls with anchoring points for both indoor and outdoor use, including climbing towers.
- Part 2 is the standard for artificial bouldering walls and also includes requirements for fall protection surfaces.
- Part 3 is the standard for climbing holds.
To comply with the requirements of the Building Regulations, artificial climbing walls and bouldering walls must be designed and constructed in accordance with the standards in DS/EN 12572-1, -2, and -3.
If you need professional advice regarding the design, development, and construction of climbing walls, please contact us here.

Gubbies FAQ about climbing
We hope you find answers to your climbing questions in our FAQ. We have been professionally involved in climbing since 2008 and have over time answered all kinds of questions related to different areas within the climbing sport. Remember that you are also always welcome to call us or chat with us right here.
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