Sikkerhed og kvalitet er altafgørende for en god klatreoplevelse. Vores hovedeftersyn sikrer, at jeres klatrevæg, udendørs som indendørs, lever op til gældende standarder og er i topform til brugerne. Vi tester, inspicerer og udfører mindre reparationer på stedet, så klatringen kan fortsætte uden bekymringer.

On-Site Reparationer

Vi medbringer værktøj og udstyr, så vi kan udbedre mindre skader med det samme. Det betyder færre driftsstop og ingen ekstra besøg – jeres klatrevæg er klar til brug med det samme.

Passion for klatring

Vi brænder for at skabe sikre og inspirerende klatremiljøer. Vores eftersyn holder ikke kun væggene i god stand – vi rådgiver også om, hvordan I kan få mest muligt ud af jeres facilitet.


Med en serviceaftale sørger vi for, at jeres årlige eftersyn bliver planlagt i god tid. Vi kontakter jer, når det er tid, så I aldrig behøver at bekymre jer om det.

From daily checks to annual inspections – here’s how to keep your climbing wall in top condition and compliant with safety standards.



A routine inspection is the daily attention from resource persons, ensuring that obvious defects and hazards on the front of the ACS (Artificial Climbing Structure) are identified and corrected.

Inspection points: Cleanliness, loose climbing holds, loose hangers/anchors, obstacles in the fall zone, missing parts, obvious damage, wear on safety installations, and wear on loaner equipment.

Resource persons can be instructors, teachers, wall supervisors, or technical service staff.


An operational inspection is a thorough review that checks the stability of the climbing wall and equipment, as well as wear on components.

The following specific areas must be inspected during operational inspections: Climbing holds, Anchors, Belay points/hangers, Belay slings permanently attached to the ACS, Overhanging wall elements where ropes may rub against edges during climbing & Climbing equipment must be inspected (PPE).

Operational inspections must be performed at least every 3 months by a person with specific knowledge of the ACS and must be documented in a logbook.


An annual inspection must be carried out to determine the overall safety level of the ACS, its foundation and attachments, primary and secondary structures, as well as joints and the stability of the wall surfaces.

The main inspection must be carried out by a competent person and documented in an inspection report.


A routine inspection is the daily attention from resource persons, ensuring that obvious defects and hazards on the front of the ACS (Artificial Climbing Structure) are identified and corrected.

Inspection points: Cleanliness, loose climbing holds, loose hangers/anchors, obstacles in the fall zone, missing parts, obvious damage, wear on safety installations, and wear on loaner equipment.

Resource persons can be instructors, teachers, wall supervisors, or technical service staff.


An operational inspection is a thorough review that checks the stability of the climbing wall and equipment, as well as wear on components.

The following specific areas must be inspected during operational inspections: Climbing holds, Anchors, Belay points/hangers, Belay slings permanently attached to the ACS, Overhanging wall elements where ropes may rub against edges during climbing & Climbing equipment must be inspected (PPE).

Operational inspections must be performed at least every 3 months by a person with specific knowledge of the ACS and must be documented in a logbook.


An annual inspection must be carried out to determine the overall safety level of the ACS, its foundation and attachments, primary and secondary structures, as well as joints and the stability of the wall surfaces.

The main inspection must be carried out by a competent person and documented in an inspection report.

Secure a long lasting and safe climbing facility


Whether you need to maintain a climbing tower or an indoor climbing wall, this manual will help you comply with the standard for climbing facilities in Denmark.


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